It’s actually several facets of the same thing: I’m speaking for God.
Imagine such a thing.
The God of the universe. The Creator. Lord of every planet, every galaxy, every star. And He makes me His spokesperson.
The Lord of eternity. God of Heaven and earth. And He calls me to be His personal representative. Oh my.
From everlasting to everlasting, He is God. He is in charge. He holds us all in His hands. He owns it all. “If I were hungry, I would not ask you,” He says in Psalm 50.
And He calls a few of us to the assignment of opening His word and declaring His message, of speaking to people individually on HIs behalf, of being a priest, a spokesperson, a teacher, a preacher, an evangelist. Oh my.
Whatever was He thinking???
I didn’t volunteer for this. I was drafted. In my case, twenty-one years old and a college senior preparing to be a history professor, and I’m standing in the choir in Birmingham singing “Jesus Paid It All” while people are being saved during the Tuesday night service of a two week revival. The pastor, Bill Burkett, was preaching that night. Jim Carraway, billed as “the singing engineer” from Shreveport, was the singer. I recall it as clearly as though it happened last night: The living God invaded my thoughts and said, I want you in the ministry. That’s all. Just, “I want you in the ministry.”
The call was not “to preach,” as many of my friends say theirs was. To me, “in the ministry” ended up meaning a lot more than preaching. I’ve been pastor of six churches, a staff member of two churches, the director of missions for 130 churches of metro New Orleans for five years, an evangelist, a writer, cartoonist, counselor, and a teacher/encourager of preachers. And a few other things, seen only by the Father–and, if I’m any judge, important to Him. And that is so encouraging. And in all of these things, I was obeying the call. As Paul said, “I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19).
That call came in April of 1961. At this point, that was over 63 years ago, and I’m still at it.
You are looking at one blessed dude.