Pretty Scary

In Poplarville, Mississippi, police have arrested a guy for sending threats to African-Americans. According to news reports, he texted targets announcing that he is so angry over the election of Barack Obama as president, he is determined to kill thousands of N—-rs. That’s terrible.

But here’s the scary part: it turns out he was black.

He was trying to stir up further racial tension and dissension. As if we need any more.

Up the road a few miles above New Orleans — on what we call the “North Shore” — police have shut down a KKK-type operation and arrested everyone involved. A young Oklahoma woman had joined the group and was going through the initiation when she suddenly decided this was not for her. “You can’t leave,” they insisted. When she refused to back down, their leader pulled out a pistol and killed her. Everyone is being charged either with her murder or abetting it by covering it up afterwards.

These are whites, of course. But they are a cancer on America today, I’ll say as clearly as I know how.

Blacks and whites — we all have sin problems. But the problem is not the color of our skin; it’s the hardness of our hearts. The heart of man is rebellious.

Becky Brown, one of the Lord’s most gifted and creative servants, e-mailed me this week about the “discussion” we’ve been having on this website regarding Obama’s election. Her story is worth repeating….

“This past weekend, I was leading a conference in Jackson, Louisiana, at Judson Baptist Retreat Center. It was a mother/daughter equestrian weekend. We spent the whole time working with the horses and the moms and girls.

“The director of the horse program there, Steve Myers, was talking with one of the kids. She said, ‘Mr. Steve, can I change and ride one of these pretty horses?’ Steve responded with, ‘Well, I need to tell you that where horses are concerned, pretty ain’t got nuthin’ to do with color or what you see on the outside!'”

Likewise with people.

As Forrest Gump said, “Pretty is as pretty does.”

Lord, make us wise and kind for the living of these days. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Pretty Scary

  1. The differences in the races were put there for Evangelism.

    God disperesed the early church for evangelism.

    We are either evangelizing or fossilizing.

  2. I enjoy reading the columns and the comments as well. Forrest Gump must have gotten his “Pretty is as pretty does” from my grandmother! I am passing on that advice to my 16 year old granddaughter as well as the “be sweet” advice I received from her every time I left her house!

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