The Old and the New: Striking a Balance

I stood at the front of the church and watched as the congregation was led in a full slate of old hymns and familiar gospel songs. Nothing that ascended from us that morning had been composed since the 1950s. My grandparents would have been right at home there.

It was the menu we are told grey-haired people (like myself) say they want from a worship leader.

That was one boring service.

I grew up on those hymns, and like most veteran church-goers in that church, knew them “by heart.” I sang as lustily as I could manage while endeavoring to save voice enough to preach. But in no way did I find that song service meaningful, worshipful, or enjoyable.

The problem was the familiarity of it all. I could sing those hymns in my sleep (and probably have). My mind went on vacation while my mouth sang them. And that is precisely why singing them regularly is a bad idea.

“O, sing unto the Lord a new song!”

Anyone who has read his Bible much has run across that line before. To make sure we could not miss it, the Lord sprinkled throughout His Word. It can be found in Psalms 33:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1, and in Isaiah 42:10.

In Psalm 40:3, David testifies that after the Lord lifted him from the miry clay and gave him firm footing, “He put a new song in my mouth.”

We’re told in the last book of the Bible, that in Heaven “they sang a new song” (Revelation 5:9 and 14:3).

Anyone see a pattern here?

I stand before you today with a bit of news that worship leaders across the land should take to heart: not every senior member of your church is addicted to “The Old Rugged Cross.” Some of us like “O, the Wonderful Cross.”

We like it because it’s fresh, it forces us to think about what we are singing, and the tune is a good one. It’s singable, worshipful, thought-provoking.

And the second bit of news is that the rest of the congregation can learn to love well-written recent hymns, gospel songs, and choruses.

But give us a steady diet of anything and within a few weeks, we’ll be begging for mercy.

I once heard Rick Warren say that at Saddleback, they had found that after the 17th time a song was used, it ceased to be meaningful to those singing it. (Pretty sure 17 was his number; I’m going by memory here.)

New songs are good, but the old hymns are not bad. The ancient hymns should be taught to the youngsters (hey, they’re new to them!) and used sparingly with the old-timers. And all of us should be introduced to new hymns, gospel songs, and choruses our worship leaders have discovered and like.

There should be no more worship wars. We’re all friends here.

The problem is finding the balance between the old and the new, a constant tension in any entity involving more than two people.

I tease pastors about the suicidal tendencies of some that will cause them to “make changes for change’ sake.” “How long have you had this death wish?” I’ll ask to their laughter.

When I say that, I’m remembering how as a fresh-from-seminary preacher, I did that very thing. “Let’s put a little variety in this” was my refrain.

I also tell the pastors, “There are only three Baptists in the world who enjoy change and none of them are in your church.”

Someone needs to remind our leaders to take care in introducing new methodologies, unfamiliar features, and radical alterations in any part of church.

Change is not always good. Change is going on around us all the time. Many churches must change drastically and soon or they’re going to die.

All of the above statements are true.

Striking the balance between what’s old and what’s fresh has always produced tension within congregations.

Paul walked into Athens, the most cosmopolitan center of his day (with the possible exception of Rome), and looked around. Luke tells us, “He was greatly distressed to see the city was full of idols.” (Acts 17:16)

Walking up to Mars Hill (“Areopagus”), the Hyde Park of its day–where orators of all stripes were given a soap box and allowed to speak on anything of their choosing–Paul noticed something else disturbing about his audience.

“All the Athenians and foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.” (17:21, NIV)

Here is how Eugene Peterson puts that: “Downtown Athens was a great place for gossip. There were always people hanging around, natives and tourists alike, waiting for the latest tidbit on most anything.”

They loved new ideas. It’s unstated, but we may assume this means they rejected anything they had heard before.

Pastors who are always searching for new messages to challenge their people must not fall into that trap. There is a balance to be sought between the old and the new.

The prophet Jeremiah watched as God’s people went after every theological fad coming over the wall. Generally, these spiritual doodads had their origins in paganism. It burdened the man of God that the children of the One True God should be so rootless as to attach themselves to these foolish notions.

Jeremiah preached, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths; ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Jer. 6:16)

Seeing God’s people as lost travelers trying to find the road home, later Jeremiah says, “Yet my people have forgotten me; they burn incense to worthless idols, which made them stumble in their ways and in the ancient paths.”

Their pagan practices have pulled these pilgrims off the thoroughfares and onto “bypaths and roads not built up.” (Jer. 18:15)

Every motorist driving in an unfamiliar city has had the experience of finding he has taken a wrong turn and has ended up on some dead end street in a bad neighborhood. That’s what Jeremiah sees happening to the Lord’s people.

They need to get back to the main road.

There is a lot to be said–there is everything to be said!–for the old message, the ancient revelation from God, the very Word of the Lord.

The people of God must beware of anyone bringing a revelation that does not conform to the one we already have. It’s what God’s word calls “adding to the Word of God,” a practice forbidden in numerous places in Scripture.

Some things old we love; some we don’t care for.

It’s human nature to be more comfortable with the familiar. Jesus said, “No one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, ‘The old is better.'” (Luke 5:39)

Nostalgia has always been with us. We speak fondly of drive-in theaters, of the first car we owned, and of the cottage we lived in as newlyweds. We enjoy perusing the old albums to see our grandparents and the old home place.

But I don’t know anyone who wants to go back and live in the 1950s. It’s a good place to visit, but not to live. We want to live today and make the most of this day. Spiritual leaders can help us do this.

Even the most set-in-their-ways old-timers who are giving the worship leader fits actually love a lot of new things. Check the church parking lot and you will notice they are not still driving their 1948 Packard. The clothes on their backs are not from the 1930s. Many will have computers, microwave ovens, and the latest televisions.

The most headstrong defender of the old ways will still like new things, in some ways, to some extent. A mature leader will never give in to their resistance to a new song or chorus, but will be patient in introducing these wonderful gifts.

I do not know of any more significant truth to lay before God’s people–and to keep it in front of their eyes–than this: Jesus Christ came doing new things. On every page of the gospels, He is surprising his audiences. Almost nothing the Lord did was what they expected.

Those who know the Word are not blindsided by this. God said, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19)

His people are a new creation and are given a new name. His gospel is new wine poured into new skins. We are promised a new heaven and new earth. We have received a new commandment, made to become part of a new and living way.

Your pastor and I will be preaching Sunday. And even though we will aim for freshness in our perspective and approach, don’t expect anything you haven’t heard before unless you are new in the family. We’ll be opening the old Book, reading a familiar text, and leading you down a familiar path. We will then ask you to do the same old thing we’ve been calling for through the years: commit your ways to Jesus Christ and follow Him.

If you come and participate, if you hear the Lord speaking within your heart and get up and give your life to Him, what happens next will be the newest thing on the planet.

You will become a new person and God will do a new original thing in your life, something like what He has done in millions of others but something completely unique to you.

I don’t know what that is. It’s new. It’s up to Him. It will conform to the plans He has had for you from the beginning.

Oh, don’t miss this. And don’t let the enemy dull your mind and pull you onto a side road with his enticements of fads and foolishness.

God has big plans for you. He will do something in you and through you unlike what He has done in anyone else since the world began.

You are a new creation. Something new under the sun.

That is why we keep preaching the old message. It gives hope for a new mankind.

“Tell me the story of Jesus,

Write on my heart every word;

Tell me the story most precious,

Sweetest that ever was heard.

Love in that story so tender

Clearer than ever I see.

Stay, let me weep while you whisper

Love paid the ransom for me.”

Thank you, Fannie Crosby. You wrote that in 1880. Good job.

9 thoughts on “The Old and the New: Striking a Balance

  1. Interesting article–though I don’t entirely agree with you. It is vitally important for congregations to preserve the heritage we have in 2,000 years of Christian hymnody. I have nothing against introducing a newer song once in awhile, but I believe the majority of our hymns should be from the treasury that has been passed down to us.

    If we follow Mr. Warren’s strange theory, once a new song has been sung enough times that it’s truly familiar, and all are able to sing it, it should be discarded. That may be good for the contemporary music industry, but it’s not necessarily helpful for the church.

    You speak of singing the old songs being boring. But that may not be an intrinsic problem with the hymns themselves. There are many, many ways of revitalizing hymn singing. You could, for example, use a different tune from the traditional one. For example, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” works well to the tune Blaenwern. “My Redeemer” may be sung to Hyfrydol, or “Jesus Loves Even Me” to Slane. It’s amazing how this can give a different perspective on the words.

    You could print an article in the church bulletin about a hymn to be used, telling a bit about its background and its message. You could preach a topical sermon that uses the words of a hymn as an outline. You could have a service that features the hymns of one particular writer–Isaac Watts, John Wesley, etc. Or the service leader could introduce a hymn with a brief word of explanation as to its meaning. These are just a few of many possibilities.

    The Bible mentions the “new song” 9 times. (You missed the one in the book of Revelation.) But “new” in this case does not necessarily mean that the song has to be written within the last year. However old it may be, a song is new to us when it arises out of a fresh experience with God, an experience that gives a new motive to sing, and a new testimony to share. In sharing it together God’s people renew and refresh one another in faith and gratitude to Him.

    For example, if a church has just been able to retire a significant indebtedness, they may hold a praise service and sing

  2. Since I have ‘retired’ I have been able to visit churches and hear other preachers that I couldn’t do while pastoring. In one of these churches, a deacon said they sing the ‘7-11’ praise songs. When I inquired what that was, he said it had 7 words and they sang it 11 times. Gimme the old time hymns.

  3. Well, as for the categorization of all new songs as having 7 words sung repeatedly, I would encourage folks to look at many of the new hymns being put forth by folks like the Getty’s, David Crowder, Sovereign Grace, and many others. There are some new songs with rich and deep theology(“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” “Made Me Glad,” “In Christ Alone,” “O Church Arise,” “The Power of the Cross,” to name a few). And by the same token, there are some old hymns with terrible theology or with words that are just plain ridiculous. (“The little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.” Seriously? Or “The joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” Really? No one has ever known the joy that you share with Jesus? Hard to believe). Also, all of the hymns in our hymnals were once “new” songs. Martin Luther was scandalous when he wrote songs like “Ein feste burg ist unser Gott” (“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and forgive me if I misspelled the German–I’m rusty). And he even set the words to popular “bar tunes.”

    Before I came to the church I pastor, someone asked me, “What kind of music do you like?” I replied, “Good music.” I explained that the date a song was written is completely irrelevant to me. Our minister of music and I evaluate the music we use in worship first by its theology and second by its usefulness (sound, rhythm, singability, etc.). I’m convinced that God is not nearly as concerned with whether our woship is “traditional” or “contemporary” as whether it is “acceptable” or “unacceptable,” and that is as much a matter of the heart of the worshiper as the lyrics and style.

  4. Well, as for the categorization of all new songs as having 7 words sung repeatedly, I would encourage folks to look at many of the new hymns being put forth by folks like the Getty’s, David Crowder, Sovereign Grace, and many others. There are some new songs with rich and deep theology(“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” “Made Me Glad,” “In Christ Alone,” “O Church Arise,” “The Power of the Cross,” to name a few). And by the same token, there are some old hymns with terrible theology or with words that are just plain ridiculous. (“The little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.” Seriously? Or “The joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” Really? No one has ever known the joy that you share with Jesus? Hard to believe). Also, all of the hymns in our hymnals were once “new” songs. Martin Luther was scandalous when he wrote songs like “Ein feste burg ist unser Gott” (“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and forgive me if I misspelled the German–I’m rusty). And he even set the words to popular “bar tunes.”

    Before I came to the church I pastor, someone asked me, “What kind of music do you like?” I replied, “Good music.” I explained that the date a song was written is completely irrelevant to me. Our minister of music and I evaluate the music we use in worship first by its theology and second by its usefulness (sound, rhythm, singability, etc.). I’m convinced that God is not nearly as concerned with whether our woship is “traditional” or “contemporary” as whether it is “acceptable” or “unacceptable,” and that is as much a matter of the heart of the worshiper as the lyrics and style.

  5. I like “He Lives”. That helps me realize I worship a “Risen Savior”. ONE who has conquered the last enemy, death and because “He Lives, I can face tomorrow”! Why? Because “He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way”. Do I mean literally, no, but I can talk to Him and pray to Him and I know He hears me because “the infallible, inerrant Word of God tells me so”. And, sometimes, He miraculously answers my prayers exactly as I pray them. If the words to “He Lives” doesn’t get your motor running, you need an overhaul.

  6. “These are the Days of Elijah” one of my favorite new songs. I want the Days of Elijah sung at my funeral. I also want “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” sung at my funeral–only two verses please. My point is clear I believe, but let me elaborate.

    Times change, but more importantly, our lost generations change. There always has been and always will be the “divine tension” between the generations and that is healthy. If we become a people who will only embrace the old, we become root bound. If we become a people who will only embrace the new, we become unstable and fruitless. We need roots to grow and wings to fly–not one or the other!

    One other matter that must be clarified. Warren never said a song after 17 times should be discarded. He said the song should not be sung in a worship experience 17 times in a certain period of time or it looses it’s effectiveness. I submit the same is true for our beloved hymns. After all, isn’t the purpose of the “old songs” and the “new songs” WORSHIP? If not, then we should not be singing either!

    Having been a youth minister for some 20 years and now having been a pastor for the same length time, I have seen this controversy develop over the years. The most healthy churches I have observed in these 40 years are those which have discovered the healthy balance between the two. I certainly hope we can all agree, the Lord does not really care about the type of music we sing as much as He cares about our hearts of praise open and lifted to His Name. A great example that I have had the pleasure of observing, was a deaf church that worshipped in song!

  7. My husband is a pastor, and I must respectfully disagree with you. I’m afraid this type of mindset is why the churches in America are “falling away” instead of having the power the church used to have. Is America growing spiritually would you say? I would say America, which I love, is on a steep decline spiritually. I doubt many can disagree with that statement. Of course, I do not believe that through repentance we can’t once again be that great nation. I was delivered from the lifestyle including the wild rock, country, secular music, whatever was popular you name it I liked it. However, when Christ came in all of that changed. So, could the music that became so precious to me, (hymns, psalms) and many a time brought deliverance through times of trial & tribulation now become boring to me? How in the world could that be? They are more spiritual than most of the new contemporary songs of the day hope to be. Of course there are a few contemporary songs that are beautiful and I thoroughly enjoy-but to call time tested hymns “boring?” Everywhere I turn around I see all of these churches saying it’s time for God to do a new thing…”times have changed”. Well, the Bible says, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. If all of this is true, why is America falling further away from God? Why do we hear about great revivals in foreign countries, true outpourings of God’s Spirit in other nations. Where we once sent out missionaries to other nations, I am afraid that other countries will soon be sending their own missionaries to our country. We need to get back to God, and following the crowd and believing the lie of the enemy that times have changed and we must change is not getting it done. And no, I do not believe at 37 years old I would be considered an old “fogie”. I just believe in 2 Thessalonians 2:15, “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle”. Or, Jeremiah 6:16 “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” Sure, some new songs are wonderful, but we have a goodly heritage, and many of the “newer” styles are leading straight down the path to so called “christian rock”…the very thing (rock music) that my precious Lord delivered me from. So, again, respectfully, if I ever find the old time precious “God inspired” hymns to be boring I had better check myself.

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