Why we make so much of Jesus

Jesus Christ was the First. The Most. The Best. The Last. The Everything.

Scripture ransacks the human language looking for superlatives enough to give mankind some kind of idea who this Person was who was born of a virgin, lived without sin, taught us of Heaven, and died in our place.  His resurrection and ascension forever secured His place in the history and thought and conversation of this small planet.

Earth has never seen another like Him.  He is unique.

Christianity and the Christian life are all about Jesus.

Regardless of what they tell you, the Christian faith is not about love.

It’s not about morals and doing good.

The Christian faith is not about helping one another and be ye kind and see you in church.

Love and morals and doing good, helping one another and showing kindness and attending worship are the byproducts of the Christian faith when done right.

But the Christian faith itself is all about one Person and One Person Only:  The Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the only Savior. He is the only sin-offering. He is the one and only mediator between God and man. He alone reveals God the Father to us.  His is the only Name by which we must be saved.

Jesus.  It’s all about Jesus.

The Old Testament told about the coming of Jesus in a hundred different ways.  Every altar pointed to His cross, every offering to the Savior Himself.  The prophets prophesied repeatedly of the One who would suffer for the sins of His people, who would bear their iniquities, and who would be the offspring of a virgin.  The prophets spoke of His sinless nature, His horrible death, and His resurrection.

The four gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–present four stories of His coming, many aspects of His life and ministry, and much about His death and resurrection.  The Acts of the Apostles continues the story of the expansion of the Christian faith. The epistles which follow are letters written from church leaders to congregations or individuals regarding doctrine, practices, heresies, and such.  The last book, called Revelation, presents Jesus as the Victorious Ruler of the universe and Judge of all who have lived on earth.

It’s all about Jesus.

John Bisagno has famously said, “Jesus Christ is everything God in Heaven has to say about Himself.”  Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you’ve seen the Father” (John 14).

It’s important–critical, actually–to bear in mind the following…

One. The Holy Spirit makes much about Jesus.

Two. The Holy Scriptures make much about Jesus.

Three. The heart of every person saved by the blood of the Lamb cries out to make more and more of Jesus.

Scripture cannot find enough superlatives to use about Him…

–He is the visible image of the invisible God.

–By Him were the worlds created. Without Him nothing was made.

–He is superior to the angels, prophets, and every other portion of creation.

–He is the Word made flesh.

–He will sit on the throne of judgment at the end of this world.

–Every eye shall see Him; every tongue shall confess Him as Lord; every knee shall bow before Him.

–He is “my Lord and my God.”

–He is the only One who knows the Father. Anyone who knows the Father got that information from Him.

–He is the sole mediator between God and man.


–For us to make too much of Jesus would be impossible.

–It is absolutely essential that we come to God by Jesus, for He alone is the way. There is no other way.

–His death on the cross and His subsequent resurrection stand in recorded history as the ultimate judgment on the world, the absolute and final sentence on the devil, and the unanswerable statement of the love of God for mankind.

–All other religions, even the noble and well-meaning ones, are attempts from humanity to build a bridge to Heaven.  Jesus Christ is Heaven’s bridge to earth.

“You are Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Dear Savior. We worship Thee.  We thank Thee.  And every morning of our lives we would begin by dropping to our knees to surrender all to Thee.  Have Thine own way.  Hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy will be done.  Forever and ever. Amen.”

(Question: Do you prefer my not posting the scripture references under various points above?  For the life of this website, I’ve attempted to list scripture sfor each point.  But doing this clutters the page and slows the reading of it. So, omitting the references here is a little test. Should we return to listing them? Or perhaps list them at the end?) 



3 thoughts on “Why we make so much of Jesus

  1. I have another point for your list. God reminded me that Heaven itself is about Jesus. My heart was broken after my son’s death, and I felt fearful, because of his recent life, that he wouldn’t be in Heaven when I get there. In the quietness of a lonely night, in an almost audible voice, I heard Jesus say, “I am here, in Heaven, at the right hand of the Father. That’s what heaven is about.”.

  2. Thank you Bob and yes, Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC), which is the Federation's flagship initiative for youth empowerment and leadership in the promotion of culture of non-violence and peace. This is also an innovative initiative to teach our fundamental principles. How do we live our fundamental principles. The YABC focuses on the skills development, development within themselves and then to others. "be the change you want to see in the world", Mahatma Ghandi's vision is revoiced in the Youth Declaration of 2009.

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