20 things pastors should not love too much

“Do not be excessively righteous or overly wise” (Ecclesiastes 7:16).

I read somewhere that this was a favorite verse of Martin Luther, someone who apparently worried he would become too-religious-for-his-own-good.  No danger for most of us.

Here are some other areas you and I may want to be careful of…

One.  We should not be in love with the sound of our own voice.

The preacher who delights too much with his own voice will outtalk everyone in the room and drone on far longer in sermons than is wise.  Better to tame that critter, then put him to use in the service of the Lord.

Two. We should beware of loving those extra desserts.

More and more these days, the overweight preacher is the norm.  Sometimes the culprit is that he announced from the pulpit his favorite dessert to be lemon icebox pie or banana pudding, and now well-meaning church members keep him supplied.  Sometimes, it’s the church dinners where ladies bring a dozen or more home-made desserts that would tempt a saint.

Three.  The preacher who loves golf too much may be asking for trouble.

Golf is a great servant but a poor master, a pleasant diversion but a poor vocation. It can fill a great need when kept in its proper place, but is a danger when allowed to expand uncontrolled.  Enough said.

Four.  The preacher who begins to specialize in taking trips to the Holy Land could be endangering his ministry.   He may be falling prey to the financial enticements such a sideline can offer.

I strongly suggest that pastors who take groups on Holy Land trips should file annual reports with their church’s finance committee accounting for the income and outgo.  After all, when a pastor-host clears perhaps several hundred dollars per person, a good-sized tour-group can net him ten or twenty thousand dollars.  Even if his church salary exceeds that several times over, this amount can make a great difference in his lifestyle.

I suspect that pastors who constantly take groups on Holy Land tours never mention to their people that a portion of the cost people pay will go to them. (Make no mistake, the one leading the tour will earn every dime of it.  I’m just saying this should be known, and not kept secret.)

Five.  No wise pastor will love flattery too much.

I’ve known too many preachers who swallow all the flattery they can find, then look around for more.  Not wise. Like perfume, that stuff may be pleasant to smell, but is fatal if swallowed.

Six.  Mission trips. Effective pastors may take their people on the occasional mission trip, but this too can be a diversion from his leadership of the local flock if overdone.  Pastors who love to travel should be careful here. (Please note I’m not suggesting churches emphasize missions less; only that the pastor should keep his priorities on leading his flock back at home. You are a shepherd.)

Seven.  Extra money.  The pastor who loves his people and is devoted to becoming the best shepherd possible will also be careful about projects that bring in outside income (for himself).

Now, if a pastor is bivocational, or the church salary is insufficient for his needs, he will do whatever he needs to in order to provide for his family.  However, we have seen pastors with excellent incomes begin to dabble in sideline enterprises that quickly absorbed a great deal of their time and diverted their energies and attention from ministry.

Eight. To be an effective minister to his own people, a wise pastor will not hold more than two or three outside revivals (conferences, retreats, etc) a year.

If a pastor feels his calling is to evangelism, let him resign the church and follow the calling. But when he takes the church’s salary and then spends a great portion of his time preaching in other churches–all of which pay him hefty honoraria–he is mistreating the congregation.  I suggest the church finance committee ask him to report to them the income he receives from all these outside meetings.

Nine.  The pastor should not be in love with degrees on his wall or titles before his name.

The love for such has caused unworthy schools to rise up and award hasty degrees for little effort and a lot of money.  In the days of our Lord, it was greetings in the marketplace which the religious leaders loved.  These days, it’s Doctor and Bishop and Apostle.  Let us be careful here.

Ten.  A wise pastor will not love his study more than he should.

Granted, most pastors need to spend more time in the study with the open Bible than they do. But here and there, we find ministers who would rather study than minister, rather exegete Romans than call on the elderly at the nursing home, and prefer their commentaries and study of the original languages than sitting down with the children to tell them of Jesus.

Eleven.  A pastor should not overly love his denomination.

Denominations are simply groups of churches agreeing on certain doctrines or ways of doing ministry.  They are not found in Holy Writ as such and should never be equated with orthodoxy or made the standard of anything.  The pastor who lives for the denomination may be putting a bureaucracy ahead of the Lord.

Twelve.  The pastor should not love privacy too much.

Now, I’m all in favor of privacy, of solitude so a person can be quiet, meditate, or be creative.  But the danger is in over-loving our privacy.  My experience is that the preacher who becomes almost paranoid in protecting his privacy may be trying to hide some secret sin.  Best to open the doors and love people and have nothing to hide. It’s a wonderful feeling.

Thirteen. The pastor should not be fixated on his motorcycle, suggested one friend.

I don’t have one, don’t want one, and don’t really understand the love affair some people have with these two-wheeled vehicles which scare the daylights out of me on the interstate by whizzing by at 80 or 90 mph.  But, like anything else, I suppose, they can be overly loved and become an idol.

Fourteen. The pastor should beware of loving sleep too much, said several friends.

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about this, you sluggard. 🙂

Fifteen.  The pastor should be careful of loving power too much. This, for a pastor, means the ability to make decisions affecting people’s lives, the direction of the church, etc.  Let the pastor remind himself daily that he is a servant. Scripture even cautions against being called a leader.

Sixteen.  The pastor should take care not to love his position too much.  No matter how well he is pastoring that church, he will be leaving it sooner or later.  Let him determine to leave it in better shape than when he found it.

Seventeen.  The pastor who loves his laptop too much may be asking for trouble.

Eighteen.  The pastor should be careful about loving beautiful women (and they’re all beautiful!) too much. 

Nineteen.  The pastor who loves to preach on hell is seriously twisted and has no place in the ministry.

Twenty.  The pastor should not love his sports team too much.

Agree? or disagree?  What else would you add?

One thought on “20 things pastors should not love too much

  1. Joe, I agree with the issue of golf, but as one who loves the game – and who has never played too much, what is said of golf could be said of any form of recreation: hunting, exercising, fishing, – you name it.
    Thanks dear brother, I always appreciate your insights and challenges!
    Revelation 22:20

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