My wish for every pastor

“Brethren, do not be children in your thinking…..but in your thinking be mature” (I Corinthians 14:20).

I could wish that every pastor would use discernment. That he would “be smart.”

To put it another way, I wish every pastor would determine that in the new year, he is going to do nothing impulsively, out of fear, or motivated by false guilt.

The “un-smart” pastor–to coin a term–does things that are unwise and unhealthy and in the long run, not beneficial to the Kingdom nor to his people.

Here is my take what an unsmart pastor does about his preaching–

1) The unsmart pastor skips the hard work of sermon preparation. He is lazy.

The smart pastor knows this is his most important work and is always thinking about the next sermons, even to the point of rising from the bed and looking up something that occurred to him.

Pastors would do well to use this time just after Christmas and early in January when nothing much is going on to make long-range plans for his preaching.

2) The unsmart pastor refuses to do long-range planning for sermons, but decides this week what to preach next Sunday.  He is shallow–and will work himself into an early grave.

The best sermons are not microwaved but marinated.

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“Everyone wants a piece of me!” The pastor’s occupational hazard

“Help! I’m being eaten alive by a school of minnows.”

“I felt like I was being stoned to death by popcorn.”

Ask any pastor.

In my opinion, the minister of the medium-sized flock has it hardest.

In most cases, the pastor of the tiny church has one well-defined set of jobs, while the leader of the mega-congregation another entirely.  The first has a few well-defined roles–preach, advise, do funerals and weddings–while his mega-church colleague has a vast team of helpers who free him up to doing his few, very specific assignments.

It’s the poor guy in the middle who has little say-so about what he will do today.

The pastor-in-the-middle–let’s say the shepherd of the church running from 150 up to three hundred or so, depending on situations, resources and available helpers–will always have more on his plate than he can get to.

The daunting task of the medium church pastor 

This pastor is the church administrator.  He is the boss of the employees.  He gives direction to everyone who works there.  He deals with problems and headaches.  He is the counselor for the congregation.  He is the hospital visitor and does all the funerals and weddings.  He is a member of every committee in the church and, if he doesn’t call the meeting and attend, nothing gets done. He is the go-to person for every question.  He dictates all the letters, and may even type them himself.  He follows up with the visitors and prospects, phoning or visiting them.  Meanwhile, he preaches all the sermons and even teaches some of the Sunday School lessons.  Add to this one overwhelming fact…

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Going into the ministry? Bring a healthy curiosity.

I came by an active curiosity honestly. My dad, a coal miner with a 7th grade education, was interested in everything. He read and learned and talked to us of all kinds of subjects.

In college, I changed majors from physics to history because the history professor had the most wonderful imagination and made history come alive.  Every class was a delight.

Nothing is off limits to history. It deals with the grand scope of humanity on this small planet.

That did it for me.

In 2012 I made a life-changing trip to Southern Italy.  After several days of ministering to pastors and spouses from churches of numerous countries, some of us spent several hours touring the ruins of Pompeii, the Italian city devastated by the eruption of Vesuvius in August of A.D. 79. It was truly unforgettable. So much so, that….

After arriving home in New Orleans, the very next afternoon I was in our public library reading up on Pompeii. I checked out a Robert Harris novel titled Pompeii, and finished it the next night.

Since then, I have read a half-dozen books on Pompeii.

Question: Of what possible use was this in my ministry?

Answer: It’s impossible to know.  Just as God uses all our experiences from celebrations to suffering in ministry, so He uses what we learn from everything we read.

A great curiosity is a wonderful thing for any Christian to have, but particularly for preachers. Why?

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Solitary conceit: “I can do this by myself! I don’t need help.” (Famous last words)

C. S. Lewis was fielding questions from his audience. Someone asked how important church attendance and membership are to living a successful Christian life. From his book “God in the Dock,” his answer:

My own experience is that when I first became a Christian, about 14 years ago, I thought that I could do it on my own, by retiring to my rooms and reading theology, and I wouldn’t go to the churches and Gospel Halls; and then later I found that it was the only way of flying your flag; and of course, I found this meant being a target.

It is extraordinary how inconvenient to your family it becomes for you to get up early to go to church. It doesn’t matter so much if you get up early for anything else, but if you get up early to go to church it’s very selfish of you and you upset the house.

If there is anything in the teaching of the New Testament which is in the nature of a command, it is that you are obliged to take the Sacrament (John 6:53-54), and you can’t do it without going to church. I disliked very much their hymns, which I considered to be fifth-rate poems set to sixth-rate music. But as I went on I saw the great merit of it.

I came up against different people of quite different outlooks and different education, and then gradually my conceit just began peeling off. I realized that the hymns (which were just sixth-rate music) were, nevertheless, being sung with devotion and benefit by an old saint in elastic-side boots in the opposite pew, and then you realize that you aren’t worthy to clean those boots.

It gets you out of your solitary conceit. It is not for me to lay down laws, as I am only a layman, and I don’t know much.

Yeah, right. C. S. Lewis doesn’t know much. Oh, that I knew as little as he.

Solitary conceit. That one has snagged my attention and will not turn me loose. I see it in Christians who stand aloof from church attendance, in pastors who will not associate with other ministers, and in myself.

The Christian who stands aloof from identifying with a specific church suffers from solitary conceit.

“The churches today just don’t meet my need.” “They aren’t as warm and welcoming as churches ought to be.” “I find I can worship better at home with my Bible sitting in front of a blazing fire in the fireplace with a cup of spice tea at hand.”

Then you are smarter than God.

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No place for Crybabies: The pastorate

It comes as a surprise to few people that pastoring a church can be extremely hard work. Rewarding, yes. Fulfilling, challenging, and blessed. But there are times when it taxes the child of God to the core of his being, when it tests his sanity, and drives him to question everything he ever believed about the faith he is proclaiming and the people he is serving.

Only the strong need apply.

They used to say that only the hardiest of stock settled the early American west. “The cowards never started and the weak died along the way.”

There’s something about that which fits the ministry.

Watching a football game on television, I noticed the quarterback had an ankle injury.  Yet, he was making every effort to play on in spite of it. The commentators were impressed: Isn’t Big Ben great! He doesn’t give in to a little injury. He knows how to play hurt!

Playing hurt.

I’ve played hurt. You too, pastor? In fact, every pastor who stays in the Lord’s work for any period of time sooner or later will “play hurt.” He will have a serious burden or strong opposition or major trial or some kind of massive handicap which would destroy a lesser individual (“a career-ending injury” it’s called in sports), but he still stands in the pulpit preaching, still goes to the office, still leads the congregation.

I hear from pastors and/or their wives with similar stories of great upheavals in their ministries. A recent letter said, “I perceive that you too have had troubles and trials in your life. That’s why I decided to write you.”

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A “Joe” Manifesto, of a sort

I am a work in progress.  And so are you.
Here’s where I am at the moment.
I was called by God to be a New Testament pastor, not an Old Testament prophet, not an expert on prophecy, and not a community activist. I am not a politician and will not be advising people from the pulpit on how to vote.
I was not sent as a judge or critic for every controversial thing people in my community are doing, but as one declaring the good news of Jesus Christ.
I have no deep psychological insights on why people do wrong-headed things other than that the heart is a rebel and wants to be its own god.
–Only a new nature (given by God the Father when one repents and places trust in Jesus Christ) can change that. And even then, after the heart has been changed, the old nature is still around and the struggle to do right will only intensify. Anyone hoping that by following Christ he/she would be through with tough decisions is sadly mistaken.
–So, I work to get people into the Word, teach the importance of praying-without-ceasing, encourage them to plant themselves within a congregation of believers, help them to bring their friends to Jesus Christ, and caution them to expect opposition from the enemy of righteousness. No one said this life would be easy.
–I urge them to let the Son shine through them, to laugh and rejoice and encourage, and to love one and all.
–After all, if God did not “send His Son into the world to condemn the world” (John 3:17), then He surely didn’t ask me to!
I’ll just be sharing the good news of Jesus, thank you. That should be enough.

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Cautions as you meet with a pastor search committee

Pastor, you’ve been invited to meet with the search committee from the First Church of Butterfly City, and you’re plenty excited.

You’ve been at your present church a number of years now and have about run out of ideas, patience, and life-savings.  A change would not only be good, it might save your life, your ministry, and even your marriage.

Now, pastor, calm your heart beat. Don’t get overly excited.  We need to talk about a few considerations…

First, pastor, you must not assume anything. If you do, you are setting yourself up for a major disappointment.

–Do not assume the Butterfly committee has done its background checks.  It’s completely possible they may begin tonight’s meeting with, “And who are you again? And where are you serving?”  Assume they know very little about you.

–Do not assume that you are the only candidate the Butterflyians are interviewing.  Committees have been known to invite a series of preachers for interviews, after which they will decide which ones are worth the trouble of traveling to hear them preach.  Assume–until they say otherwise–you are one of several they are looking at.

–Do not assume you are their number one choice and start dreaming of moving to that wonderful church in Butterfly City. This is no time to be calling the chamber of commerce for information on the nearest schools.  This is not yet the time to start doing background checks on the church.  Assume this is just for your encouragement and their education until the Lord says otherwise.

–Do not assume they owe you anything or you may be disappointed.  In the minds of most PSC committee members, they are walking through a garden in search of the prize-winning rose.  The idea that they owe you a call-back is foreign to most. Assume you will not hear from them again. The surest way to disappointment is to wait by the phone for a call that in all likelihood will never come. (I have stories about this.  I’m still waiting to hear from two or three committees that promised they would be in touch.  They didn’t.) 

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Broken Pastor, Broken Church

This is our account of the most difficult three years in our lives, as we pastored a divided church in North Carolina. The article ran in the Winter 2001 issue of “Leadership Journal,” a publication of Christianity Today.  At the conclusion, check out the postscripts.

How could I lead a congregation that was as hurt as I was?

My calendar for the summer and beyond was blank. I usually planned my preaching schedule for a full year, but beyond the second Sunday in June–nothing. I had no ideas. I sensed no leading from the Spirit. But it was only January, so I decided to try again in a couple of months. Again, nothing. By then, I suspected the Lord was up to something.

A member of my church had told me the year before, “Don’t die in this town.” I knew what she meant. She didn’t envision Columbus as the peak of my ministry. Columbus was a county-seat town with three universities nearby, and, for Mississippi, cosmopolitan. I felt Columbus, First Baptist, and I were a good match. The church grew. We were comfortable together. My family was settled. Our sons and daughter had completed most of their schooling, and after twelve years, they called Columbus home. My wife, Margaret, and I had weathered a few squalls, but life was good–a little quiet, perhaps even stagnant, but good.

And suddenly I could hear the clock ticking. Did God have something more for me?

First Baptist Church of Charlotte, North Carolina, called in March. I ended my ministry at Columbus the second Sunday of June and began in Charlotte one month later.

After I’d been in Charlotte about a month, the man who chaired their search committee phoned. “I have some people I want you to talk with,” he told me. He picked me up and drove me to the impressive home of one of our members. In the living room were a dozen men, all leaders in the church and in the city. Another man appeared in charge.

“We want to offer you some guidance in pastoring the church,” he said. “There are several issues we feel are important, and we want you to know where we stand.” He outlined their position on the battle between conservatives and moderates for control of our denomination and on the role of women in the church. He wanted women elected as deacons, one item in a full slate of changes he wanted made at the church.

Charlotte’s web

I was beginning to see what I had been told: a handful of very strong lay people had called the shots for more than two decades, and this was part of their plan.

My immediate predecessor had run afoul of this little group and after three tough years had moved to another church of his own accord. The pastor before him had stayed over 20 years.

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Should we encourage the pastor? Yes, let’s!

You are a member of the Lord’s church and you support your pastor, right?  Okay. I have a suggestion.

Write him a letter.

Handwrite it. Make it two pages, no more. Make it positive and uplifting.

And when you do, I can tell you several things that are true of that letter once it arrives at the pastor’s desk….

It will be a rarity. He gets very little first class mail these days. Everything is done by computers.

—He will keep the letter for a long time.

It will bless him (and possibly his family) for years to come, particularly when they come across it years from now.

Case in point. While perusing my journal of the 1990s, I ran across a letter from Christy dated July 15, 1997. Here is what this young lady–perhaps a high school senior–wrote to her preacher.

Dear Brother Joe,

I’ve been saying for some time that I was going to write my pastor a letter of encouragement. So here you go. Do you feel encouraged yet?

You really do a good job in passing on God’s Word to us. Would you like to hear some good news?

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What most pastors cannot do in their preaching

“One can’t believe impossible things,” said Alice to the White Queen. “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” –From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.

I write this mostly tongue in cheek.  But not completely.

It seems to require superhuman strength to keep our latest accomplishments out of our sermons.

That’s what this is about.

If a pastor jogs or works out, he will probably work that into a sermon at least monthly.  “As I was jogging yesterday morning, I’d just completed my third mile….”

If a pastor’s child excels in athletics or the band or academics, he will find a way to mention that in a sermon.  It’s what a proud dad does.  “My wife and I are so proud of Jayson who has just received ‘student of the month’ award for the third time.  We were telling our daughter who is working on a Master’s at Johns Hopkins…”

If the pastor once took a course in Greek and can find his way around a Greek lexicon, look for him to mention that in a sermon, “When I was studying Greek” or “My Greek Bible says….”  I suspect that if a real Greek scholar ever entered the service and challenged us, we would be petrified.

If a pastor reads through the Bible annually–or has just done it the first time–not saying so in a sermon is asking more than he is able to give.  I can hear him say, “As you know, I read through the Bible annually–and have done so for the last 13 years.”

If the pastor is an avid golfer or a die-hard for some university’s football team, expect it to show up in sermons from time to time.  He can no more keep that a secret than he can his commitment to Jesus Christ.  “Well, I did it! I hit a hole in one last Tuesday.”  He waits for the congregation to applaud.  Half the people turn to the other half as if to say, “What does that mean?”

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