Those who serve well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus (I Timothy 3:13).
If I were a newly ordained deacon, I would be eager to learn my craft, to honor my Lord, and to serve my church. So, here are some of the things I would do:
–I would stay on my knees, asking the Father to purify me, to grow me and make my motives holy, and give me a heart to serve. I would ask Him to teach me and to send godly people into my life to instruct me in this new avenue of ministry which He has opened up.
–I would read Luke 17:7-10 again and again until it became part of my DNA. I would resolve never to seek appreciation or expect honors. Deacons are servants. But, while I would not seek honors, I would be quick to express appreciation to others around me. That is no contradiction, as it’s found all through Scripture.
–I would seek out the godliest, most effective deacons now serving our church and latch onto them. I would pick their brains, and ask if I could work with them until I learned all they could teach me. I would accompany them on their visits and take notes (when I returned home) of all they said.
–I would read the scriptural passages about deacons again and again. The primary two are found in I Timothy 3 and Acts 6. Then, I would study the four gospels for every reference to servants and find what they are to do, how they are to behave, the attitude they are to project, and so forth.