Are we serious about the Bible or is it turned into joke? The solemn truths of God’s word are diluted when it becomes the subject of jokes.
Sinners will not take their life of sin seriously and come to Christ when jokes and comedy are connected to a ministry. I speak of this in my church as well, the 7th Day Adventist Church. These things ought not to be. Find me just one example of Jesus and the apostles or the OT prophets joking about God’s Word then I will write some jokes for you–free.
We should reverence God’s Word. For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses or handling it carelessly. And never should Scripture be quoted in a jest or paraphrased to point a witty saying. “Every word of God is pure”; “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” (Proverbs 30:5; Psalm 12:6.) {CG 538.6}
Walking Circumspectly.–All the sang-froid, which is so common, the theatrical gestures, all lightness and trifling, all jesting and joking, must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient” –an offense to God and a denial of Christ. It unfits the mind for solid thought and solid labor. It makes men inefficient, superficial, and spiritually diseased. . . . {Ev 644.2}
Are we serious about the Bible or is it turned into joke? The solemn truths of God’s word are diluted when it becomes the subject of jokes.
Sinners will not take their life of sin seriously and come to Christ when jokes and comedy are connected to a ministry. I speak of this in my church as well, the 7th Day Adventist Church. These things ought not to be. Find me just one example of Jesus and the apostles or the OT prophets joking about God’s Word then I will write some jokes for you–free.
We should reverence God’s Word. For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses or handling it carelessly. And never should Scripture be quoted in a jest or paraphrased to point a witty saying. “Every word of God is pure”; “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” (Proverbs 30:5; Psalm 12:6.) {CG 538.6}
Walking Circumspectly.–All the sang-froid, which is so common, the theatrical gestures, all lightness and trifling, all jesting and joking, must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient” –an offense to God and a denial of Christ. It unfits the mind for solid thought and solid labor. It makes men inefficient, superficial, and spiritually diseased. . . . {Ev 644.2}
I responded to this “brother,” if that’s what he is. But he persists in “warning” me that I’m toying with the Word of God by “making jokes” about it. I went back to review the cartoons above and am stunned that anyone would think I’ve done such.
I have looked with much interest at the above mentioned cartoons on the “Book of Galatians”. I find no fault here. I would think that any material would be welcome by God if it helps younger, less informed christians, understand some of the points they may not understand. I say go for it Bro Joe, nothing wrong here. Bro David Hanna
Not seeing these cartoons as trivializing or joking around about the bible at all. As a matter of fact, they clearly crystallize what Galatians is all about. I’d love to hear some specifics steve.
Laughter is a palliative medicine and if Christians cannot laugh at themselves then they are doomed to repeat their mistakes. Brother Joe’s cartoon does not poke fun at God nor at the scriptures. As a matter of fact, Joe is using a time honored tradition of faith and teaching, object lessons to help cement the knowledge of the canons of his faith for others. Visual learners benefit greatly from his style much like those at the knees of Jesus benefited greatly from parables as object lessons in the oral tradition. Lighten up buddy! And if you don’t agree that is your right and now you can move on and find some other servant of G-d to harass. I for one am reminded through these cartoons to take the meat of the messages he imports through scripture reference and visual cues and try to apply them. Some days I do better than others…for you too I am guessing from the tone of your latest post! Keep in mind the scripture from Proverbs about, “A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” But my favorite is from Ephesians, “A time to weep, a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…”
Steve, “reverence” is not a verb. (funny from another post) and “For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses…” Are you kidding me? ALWAYS put it to common use. That is the point. Miss that point and you will likely miss the boat. Much of the NT including one of my favorites, James, speaks almost entirely of common uses.
Jesus, the greatest teacher, taught with parables / stories that folks could relate to. To follow His example would be for all of us to relate the Bible to others / get the message out by whatever means is not sinful. Quite frankly, it sounds like someone needs a hug.
Too bad scripture does not have an asterisk for every time Jesus spoke with a twinkle in his eye or a wink. I appreciate the old book by Elton Trueblood, _The Humor of Jesus_, in which he pointed out often overlooked humorous sayings of Jesus, missed because we did not understand the culture. Lately, attending churches that use the lectionary has given me opportunity to hear more scripture read allowed. I am amazed sometimes how funny somethings are. I’m hearing them with new ears. My soul longs for joy and will not respond to a joyless gospel nor a “proclaimer” who takes him/herself too seriously.
This reminds me of a topic covered by Christian author Jonathan Acuff. He refers to it as “SCS” or “Somber Christian Syndrome”. It is the tendency of Christians to try to look and feel more holy by looking serious and reverent. While this is good at times, one of the fruits of the Spirit is joy after all! The Bible says that we are known by our fruit, therefore we should be known as people of joy!
Joe. I just reviewed your toons and found them to be an excellent commentary on human nature and consistent with the themes in Galatians. I’ve also found your other work to be Biblically based as well, so I wouldn’t concern yourself with the occasional critics. There will always be “professional victims” who are easily offended. We should never take the Word of God lightly, but must guard against being overly dogmatic regarding areas of personal conscience.
Old age is a, sometimes, wonderful thing. I’ve noticed a great dane walking down the street and a toy poodle will yap at his heels. He just goes on about his business, having no time to spend with trivial matters since he is on a mission. Don’t let the few bumps in the road keep you from the appointed task. I wonder how many people have been blessed….to a point of hearing your sermons….whom you have drawn at a church function? Let the ‘brother’ serve God the best he can but let him shun the self-appointed critic role.
A teacher puts things on a level where something can be understood. You are using your talent to bless others, as well as, understand scripture more clearly. It doesn’t get any better than that. Your cartoons are fantastic 🙂
Good job….I am a semi-retired pastor and have used humor many times over the years….Thanks!!!!!!!
One more thing: It reminds me of man I knew in seminary. His name was Grady Nutt…His quote: “one t was enough, but two t’s gave the name dignity.” quote may not be exact for it was many, many years ago…He also wrote a little book titled: “The Gospel According to Norton.”
It is going to be nice to take my kids to see a movie of the characters that I used to watch on tv.
I’ve enjoyed looking through your cartoons on the book of Galatians. I see them as visual commentary on the book. These are fantastic teaching aid.
I am a Pastor and would not hesitate to use these cartoons to illustrate my teaching on the book of Galatians. May God strengthen and enable you to make more of these materials available to help believers to understand the Word of God.
Be encouraged, you are blessed to have this gift.
Joe.. Thanks for all that you do for us..jim varnon
Are we serious about the Bible or is it turned into joke? The solemn truths of God’s word are diluted when it becomes the subject of jokes.
Sinners will not take their life of sin seriously and come to Christ when jokes and comedy are connected to a ministry. I speak of this in my church as well, the 7th Day Adventist Church. These things ought not to be. Find me just one example of Jesus and the apostles or the OT prophets joking about God’s Word then I will write some jokes for you–free.
We should reverence God’s Word. For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses or handling it carelessly. And never should Scripture be quoted in a jest or paraphrased to point a witty saying. “Every word of God is pure”; “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” (Proverbs 30:5; Psalm 12:6.) {CG 538.6}
Walking Circumspectly.–All the sang-froid, which is so common, the theatrical gestures, all lightness and trifling, all jesting and joking, must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient” –an offense to God and a denial of Christ. It unfits the mind for solid thought and solid labor. It makes men inefficient, superficial, and spiritually diseased. . . . {Ev 644.2}
Are we serious about the Bible or is it turned into joke? The solemn truths of God’s word are diluted when it becomes the subject of jokes.
Sinners will not take their life of sin seriously and come to Christ when jokes and comedy are connected to a ministry. I speak of this in my church as well, the 7th Day Adventist Church. These things ought not to be. Find me just one example of Jesus and the apostles or the OT prophets joking about God’s Word then I will write some jokes for you–free.
We should reverence God’s Word. For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses or handling it carelessly. And never should Scripture be quoted in a jest or paraphrased to point a witty saying. “Every word of God is pure”; “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” (Proverbs 30:5; Psalm 12:6.) {CG 538.6}
Walking Circumspectly.–All the sang-froid, which is so common, the theatrical gestures, all lightness and trifling, all jesting and joking, must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient” –an offense to God and a denial of Christ. It unfits the mind for solid thought and solid labor. It makes men inefficient, superficial, and spiritually diseased. . . . {Ev 644.2}
I responded to this “brother,” if that’s what he is. But he persists in “warning” me that I’m toying with the Word of God by “making jokes” about it. I went back to review the cartoons above and am stunned that anyone would think I’ve done such.
I have looked with much interest at the above mentioned cartoons on the “Book of Galatians”. I find no fault here. I would think that any material would be welcome by God if it helps younger, less informed christians, understand some of the points they may not understand. I say go for it Bro Joe, nothing wrong here. Bro David Hanna
Not seeing these cartoons as trivializing or joking around about the bible at all. As a matter of fact, they clearly crystallize what Galatians is all about. I’d love to hear some specifics steve.
Laughter is a palliative medicine and if Christians cannot laugh at themselves then they are doomed to repeat their mistakes. Brother Joe’s cartoon does not poke fun at God nor at the scriptures. As a matter of fact, Joe is using a time honored tradition of faith and teaching, object lessons to help cement the knowledge of the canons of his faith for others. Visual learners benefit greatly from his style much like those at the knees of Jesus benefited greatly from parables as object lessons in the oral tradition. Lighten up buddy! And if you don’t agree that is your right and now you can move on and find some other servant of G-d to harass. I for one am reminded through these cartoons to take the meat of the messages he imports through scripture reference and visual cues and try to apply them. Some days I do better than others…for you too I am guessing from the tone of your latest post! Keep in mind the scripture from Proverbs about, “A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” But my favorite is from Ephesians, “A time to weep, a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…”
Steve, “reverence” is not a verb. (funny from another post) and “For the printed volume we should show respect, never putting it to common uses…” Are you kidding me? ALWAYS put it to common use. That is the point. Miss that point and you will likely miss the boat. Much of the NT including one of my favorites, James, speaks almost entirely of common uses.
Jesus, the greatest teacher, taught with parables / stories that folks could relate to. To follow His example would be for all of us to relate the Bible to others / get the message out by whatever means is not sinful. Quite frankly, it sounds like someone needs a hug.
Too bad scripture does not have an asterisk for every time Jesus spoke with a twinkle in his eye or a wink. I appreciate the old book by Elton Trueblood, _The Humor of Jesus_, in which he pointed out often overlooked humorous sayings of Jesus, missed because we did not understand the culture. Lately, attending churches that use the lectionary has given me opportunity to hear more scripture read allowed. I am amazed sometimes how funny somethings are. I’m hearing them with new ears. My soul longs for joy and will not respond to a joyless gospel nor a “proclaimer” who takes him/herself too seriously.
This reminds me of a topic covered by Christian author Jonathan Acuff. He refers to it as “SCS” or “Somber Christian Syndrome”. It is the tendency of Christians to try to look and feel more holy by looking serious and reverent. While this is good at times, one of the fruits of the Spirit is joy after all! The Bible says that we are known by our fruit, therefore we should be known as people of joy!
Joe. I just reviewed your toons and found them to be an excellent commentary on human nature and consistent with the themes in Galatians. I’ve also found your other work to be Biblically based as well, so I wouldn’t concern yourself with the occasional critics. There will always be “professional victims” who are easily offended. We should never take the Word of God lightly, but must guard against being overly dogmatic regarding areas of personal conscience.
Old age is a, sometimes, wonderful thing. I’ve noticed a great dane walking down the street and a toy poodle will yap at his heels. He just goes on about his business, having no time to spend with trivial matters since he is on a mission. Don’t let the few bumps in the road keep you from the appointed task. I wonder how many people have been blessed….to a point of hearing your sermons….whom you have drawn at a church function? Let the ‘brother’ serve God the best he can but let him shun the self-appointed critic role.
A teacher puts things on a level where something can be understood. You are using your talent to bless others, as well as, understand scripture more clearly. It doesn’t get any better than that. Your cartoons are fantastic 🙂
Good job….I am a semi-retired pastor and have used humor many times over the years….Thanks!!!!!!!
One more thing: It reminds me of man I knew in seminary. His name was Grady Nutt…His quote: “one t was enough, but two t’s gave the name dignity.” quote may not be exact for it was many, many years ago…He also wrote a little book titled: “The Gospel According to Norton.”
It is going to be nice to take my kids to see a movie of the characters that I used to watch on tv.
I’ve enjoyed looking through your cartoons on the book of Galatians. I see them as visual commentary on the book. These are fantastic teaching aid.
I am a Pastor and would not hesitate to use these cartoons to illustrate my teaching on the book of Galatians. May God strengthen and enable you to make more of these materials available to help believers to understand the Word of God.
Be encouraged, you are blessed to have this gift.
Joe.. Thanks for all that you do for us..jim varnon
These are a great way to illustrate Galatians!
Bless your soul