It turns out that God is a micro-manager

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them” (Matthew 6:26).  “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?  And yet not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:29-30).

Ask any scientist.

Nothing is too small for God to take notice.  If the atom obeys set laws and the microscopic universe is predictable to us humans, if the computer can be reduced to an astonishingly tiny entity, if hummingbirds and honeybees can do all they do, surely the Creator God has charge of the details.

The details are pretty impressive, I think you’ll have to agree.

Every baby in the womb.  Every child.  Every widow.  Every elderly.  Every prisoner.  Everyone.

Every word. Every act. Every leaf of every tree. Every flower of every meadow.

God is big enough to handle the little things.

“I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement” (Matthew 12:36).  The little things matter.

After all, our Lord said, “He who is faithful in that which is little  is faithful also in much, and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10).

Get the little things right, child of God.

So, let no human say they are too small, too unimportant, too insignificant for God to consider, too worthless for His love, too far outside the reach of His care.

“The least of these my brethren” are not outside the scope of God’s love, His reach, His commandments (Matthew 25:40,45).

A half-century ago, in  a book on prayer by the veteran missionary Rosalind Goforth (1864-1942), I was struck by something  that has remained with me ever since.  In a church service, she told how while getting ready that morning, she could not find the hatpin to hold her hat in place.  She paused,  asked the Lord, then found the hatpin. After the service, a man protested.

“I cannot believe the Lord of the universe is interested in something so insignificant as a hatpin.”  Mrs. Goforth said, “Sir, the God of the infinite is also God of the infinitesimal.”

The Infinite, the infinitesimal–all part of His watchcare.

Science affirms that.  The  sub-atomic world is orderly and abides by set, predictable laws just as the universe of planets and galaxies have their own rules and fixed laws.  Otherwise, the world as we know it would be unstable and chaotic.

It’s not.

Rocket scientist Werner von Braun used to say the order of the universe is what convinced him of the existence of God.

Therefore, let no person however remote, uneducated, poor, or neglected ever feel that the God of the universe cares nothing for him/her.  “God so loved the world.”

Therefore, let  God’s children pray and ask Him about every thing that matters to us.  If it matters to us, it matters to Him.

Therefore, let each of us pay attention to the small things as well as the large, obvious ones.

“Lord of the atom and the bumblebee, Thy will be done in my life.  Lord of the galaxies and the planetary systems, use me for Thy glory.  Amen.”




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