The most courageous person I know is Misha McKeever, my wonderful daughter-in-law, wife to Marty and mother of Darilyn and Jack. This Charlotte, NC, child is training to run a marathon in Seattle this summer, to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am stunned, impressed, and possibly a little envious. Check out her page and send her some encouragement at:
Run, Fores…I mean… Misha Run! Blessings to you and we will be thinking of you on your day! Love to Marty.
My neice has been a patient of St Jude’s for 13 years for spinal cancer. After several surgeries and rounds of chemo she is cancer free, but partially paralized. St Jude was a God send for their family. In December my daughter ran their half marathon in Memphis along with several other family members. It is quite a noble effort and my congratulations to you!