My Big Brother Ronald J. writes:

In my previous request, I asked for cards for Pop’s 95 birthday and I might have mentioned to many of you, that he received right at 160 (depends on who did the counting). Mom will be 91 on July 14 and we have never had a card request for her and she does not need to be left out. So….here’s my request…a birthday card for her to the following address:

Lois McKeever 191 County Road 101 Nauvoo, Alabama 35578

It will be appreciated if you will do this and you might mention it to other members of your family since when you get to be 91, most of your friends and relatives are already gone on.

When you get to be 91 or 95, let me know and I will return the favor. Thanks a million!!!

Ronald J. McKeever

rjmdsm (at)


6 thoughts on “My Big Brother Ronald J. writes:

  1. What a beautiful idea!! I plan to send her a card in time for her 91st B’Day!! May the Lord bless them both. How wonderful to still be together!! God is so good!!

  2. Joe, She’s already begun her count. As of today she has received four cards and can hardly wait until tomorrow to see how many she gets.

  3. Thank you for letting us share in this very special time of your Mother’s life.


  4. Joe’s big brother sez this…..I wrote a better blog and sent it to his son (who reads and deletes) and he didn’t print all that I wrote. I mentioned that if Mom gets the 91 cards, that I would write another blog and tell you some of the secrets that Dr. Joe won’t tell you about. By the way, I did eat all those nanners.

  5. P.S. From Joe

    This “big brother” you’re hearing from above–Ronald J. McKeever of Gardendale, Alabama–is a trip. For veteran readers of this blog, Ronnie is the one who “ate the bananas” in that 1950 (or so) family story of ours.

    (Quick recap: Mom was critically ill in the Beckley WV hospital. Before Dad went to visit her that Saturday morning, he shopped for groceries at the company store and bought a dozen bananas with which he intended to make a pudding that afternoon. Then he and Glenn traveled to the hospital. When they returned, not a single banana was left. Pop was furious and lined up the five children, demanding to know who had eaten the bananas. No one knew. In his anger, he whipped every one of us, right down to the 6 year old. For years afterwards, we would discuss that episode and wonder “who ate the stupid bananas.” Finally, Ronnie confessed. We were well grown by then and it was too late to pounce on him and beat the tar out of him. So, we’ve done the next best thing: we never let him forget it. We intend to take it up with the Lord at the final judgment, that moment when all banana-stealers and lying preachers get their due.)

    This Friday morning as I write, Mom says she’s received 14 cards so far. The most interesting one came from Shreveport. Dave and Jeri Baker, who know our family only through the pages of this blog, wrote to Mom, “You did a good job raising all those children, with the possible exception of the one who ate the bananas.” You sure got that right, guys! (They included some money and said, “The last dollar is to buy Ronnie a banana.”)

    I asked Mom if she had told Ronnie about that card. She said, “He was here when it came in.” I said, “What did he say?” She said, “Nothing. He just giggled.”

    It’s pretty obvious that my big brother finds a certain amount of pleasure in his youthful career of crime. Personally, I think that’s proof of his lack of repentance.

    Pray for him, y’all.

  6. Since I am being castigated on the Doctor’s blog, a little explanation might be in order. It was no trouble to eat all those nanners…time you peeled it and threw away the cob, there was nothing left. At least, the cob tasted good. As far as the whuppins go, all those kids needed a good one anyway. Since I was the oldest, I sorta felt it was my duty to administer justice. I did enjoy all the years of letting them wonder who ate the nanners. No doubt, some of the other brothers and sisters were wrongly accused. If they don’t hush crying about it, I may scam them again. Thanks for the cards.

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