Rejoicing in Prayer

How does this look for a sermon on prayer? Text: “But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me” (Psalm 66:19-20).

And here are some possible points:





Still with me? “How dear” is our God who would deign to hear from people such as you and I, sinners all. Somewhere I recall hearing of some pagan who for the first time learned about the God revealed in Scriptures. He exclaimed, “There! I always told you there had to be a god like that!”

“How near” is our God to us when we pray. He is near to the brokenhearted (Psa. 34:18) and near to all who call upon Him (Psa. 145:18). We are wise to call upon Him when He is near (Isa. 55:6). God says, “Am I a God who is near? And not a God far off (Jeremiah 23:23)?”

“How clear” is the Scripture’s teachings on this. “It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear” (Isa. 65:24). “You have not because you ask not” (James 4:3). “Ask and you shall receive” (Matthew 7:7). What could be clearer?

“How queer” it is that even with all these insights and promises and a Lord so great, so loving and so available, we pray so little, so poorly, and so ineffectively.

The Lord Jesus said, “Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive that your joy may be made full” (John 16:24).

There is a direct connection between not knowing Jesus well and not asking much from Him. The neighbor’s children never ask anything from me. My three, however, have no hesitation about calling me for assistance of one kind or another. That’s how life is and we wouldn’t have it any other way. The spiritual realm functions in much the same way.

In one of Professor Howard Hendricks’ books (I’ve forgotten which), he tells of a family in his city made up of mom and dad and several boys. After years in the business world, Dad had heard God’s call into the ministry and uprooted the family and they had moved to seminary. Times were hard and money was scarce.

One evening as the family was about to pray, 7-year-old Timmy asked his mother if it would be all right to ask God for a shirt for him. (As the third son in a family of six children, I think I know what Timmy was experiencing—all his shirts were hand-me-downs!) That night in their prayers, the family prayed, “And Lord, Timmy needs a shirt. Size 7.”

Each night, Timmy would remind his parents, “And don’t forget to pray for me a shirt.”

One day a member of their church who ran a department store called their home. He told the mother, “We are overstocked in some boys’ shirts and I thought you might be able to use them.” Oh yes, she assured him, they could indeed. “Just one problem,” the man said. “They’re all size 7.”

That night, when the family gathered to pray, they were ready for Timmy. When he said, “And Mom, don’t forget to pray for me a shirt,” she said, “Well, Timmy, you will be glad to know that God has answered your prayer!”

“He has?!” The child’s eyes grew wide. His oldest brother jumped up and ran into the next room and returned with a new shirt, which he laid on the table in front of his little brother. Timmy was so excited. “But that’s not all,” mom said. And another brother ran out of the room. He laid a second shirt in front of Timmy. “Another shirt! Two new shirts!”

Eventually, 12 shirts were stacked on the table. By now, Timmy was crying, his mother was crying, and dad was in tears.

Dr. Hendricks would tell that story, then add, “Today, there is a boy named Timothy in Dallas, Texas, who knows beyond any doubt that God answers prayer!”

How dear He is to us. How near to all who pray. How clear are His promises and His invitation.

The queer thing — the unusual, strange, inexplicable thing — is why you and I are not more serious and faithful and persevering in our prayers. “He did not do many mighty words there because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58). Jesus was often amazed at the unbelief of His audience (Mark 6:6).

Here are two urgent prayer requests:

Saturday night, April 4, as Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dukes were walking across Gentilly Boulevard in front of our New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, they were hit by a car. Both sustained major injuries. Today, Wednesday, Jimmy is having surgery and the word is that Retia (pronounced Rita) suffered brain bruises among other injuries. We’re told if she makes it, she’ll have serious issues for the rest of her life. Dr. Dukes directs the seminary extension in Orlando, Florida. They’re in University Hospital, New Orleans.

This Sunday — Easter — a lot of our churches will be welcoming newcomers and first-timers for their worship services. We’ve been prayer-walking the areas around churches and leaving flyers on doors informing the residents of our prayers and giving contact information on our churches. In a number of cases, the phones have been ringing off with people seeking more information or spiritual help. A couple of weeks later, these churches went back into the neighborhoods and left a clear cellophane sleeve on the door containing a promotional piece for the Easter services and a leaflet telling how to know Christ as Savior. Please pray that our churches will welcome their guests with the love of Christ and that these visitors will open up to the gospel.

4 thoughts on “Rejoicing in Prayer

  1. Years ago my daughter started in a new middle school. She so wanted to be popular and to be that she needed a pair of “Guess” jeans…that is the only kind she would think about. So…she prayed simply and effectively for her Guess Jeans. Two days later our neighbor called. She’d bought new Guess jeans for her neice…they did not fit, and she could not return them as they were on sale…yes a perfect fit for our daughter. I learned that God is definitely in to the details and he really does care about the little things.

  2. Several years ago our little daughter Jill was praying for a bicycle. Our financial situation was not such that we could simply go and buy her one. After praying for several weeks, I suggested that maybe she needed to be specific and tell God the kind of bicycle she wanted. She began asking God for a pink one with a banana seat. Soon one of our deacon’s wives asked my wife Peggy if one of our girls needed a bicycle. They did not know that Jill was praying for one. Her daughter Jan had outgrown hers. They gave Jill the bicycle that was exactly like the one she prayed for. After more than 30 years Jill has not forgotten how God answered her prayer neither have we. The family that gave it to her still remember as well. None of of think this was a mere concidence. God answered Jill’s prayer.

  3. Great comments, God is good and listens to little girl’s prayers. Here’s ours:

    A few years ago one of our cats developed cancerous tumors and said goodbye. It was very sad.

    Now we’ve always been a 2 cat family, so one sunday morning my daughter (probably 7 or 8 yrs old at the time) started begging/demanding that we get a new kitty. We explained that we’d never gone out intentionally looking for any of our cats — our cats always just “found us” when the time was right. We promised that when we found a kitty that needed a home, we’d provide one.

    She seemed to understand, and quickly prayed that God would send us a new kitty. Then we all had breakfast and got ready to go to church.

    It was probably an hour later, as we were just about to enter the church, when we heard a tiny noise from the bush “mew, mew, mew”.

    The rest is history. We named him Church.

  4. In 2006 we made the decision to relocate with the company I work for to Mobile from New Orleans. This was going to be a long process because my husband was going to stay in New Orleans with our daughter for her senior year of high school and I would go to Mobile coming home on weekends. This journey began April 2007. The housing market was not the best and we knew timing could mean everything. From the beginning we prayed that everything would happen in God’s timing – from us selling our house, buying a new house and my husband finding a job once he moved. In January 2008 my prayer became more specific – “in Your will but an offer on our house right after graduation sure would be nice”. Our daughter graduated May 10, 2008, we received a preliminary offer May 12, 2008 and the house was sold by the middle of June. It had only been on the market since March 8, 2008. We had no double house payments and my husband had a job within a month of moving. God hears our prayers!

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