“May those who come behind us find us faithful.” –Steve Green
The pastor who follows me at a church is pretty much on his own there. Which is to say, there is little I can do for him, other than to pray for him.
The best thing I can do for a new pastor is to have served well during my tenure and done my level best to disciple God’s people, leaving behind a healthy congregation. But after I leave, there is little more I can do for that church or its new shepherd.
My words of affirmation to the new guy are nice, but nothing more. My words of commendation to friends in the congregation are basically meaningless since the pastor is on site and they are getting to know him for themselves. From here on in, he will be having to find his own path, set his own agenda, work out his own relationships with key leaders, and find ways of dealing with those who want to exert influence they do not possess.
I can pray for him. But there’s very little more I can do.