A friend texted to ask if I would talk about how a minister with a full-time congregation can discipline himself to do a daily journal. I’m not sure I’m the one to ask, for a good reason.
When I began keeping a journal, back in early 1990, I was between churches. Long story told elsewhere, but with a 12-month paid leave of absence I had time on my hands. Knowing that at the end of August 1990 my income would end and finding that pastor search committees were afraid of me–“If he’s so good, why is he available?”–I made a decision to journal. I figured someday I would look back and wonder what I was thinking during this time. So, I bought a hard-bound book and started writing each evening. Where to find those books? Barnes and Noble. Hobby Lobby. Even Wal-Mart.
Now, since I was unemployed, I had time for this and did not need the discipline my friend seems to need. In September 1990 when I began pastoring in metro New Orleans, I found it relatively easy to stay with the program since I had formed the habit.
So, what follows will only partially answer my friend’s question. But this is what I’ve come up with on the subject of “pastoral journaling.” Hope it helps.