“Master, are you aware the Pharisees were offended by (what you preached)?” (Matthew 15:12)
The truth has a way of offending.
Those who preach the Word must keep a sharp edge on their message.
The typical “liberal” church in modern America has no problem offending traditionalists. What it cannot do–will not dare do, not for all the world!–is to go against the conventional wisdom of the day. If the culture decides a thing is wrong, the accommodating church finds a way to adapt its doctrine and practices to the prevailing whims. And so we have churches that call themselves Christian and Bible-believing ignoring or twisting Scripture in order to justify abortions, euthanasia, legalization of drugs, and the LGBTQ agenda, while erasing from their beliefs and practices anything having to do with the necessity of being born again, the role of the blood of Christ in our salvation, or the reality of hell.
What’s going on here?