Quotes Worth Remembering

Two quotes from this morning’s Times-Picayune jumped out at me, but for different reasons. The third quote is from Scripture and naturally, being the preacher that I am, I need to expound on it just a tad.

Gregg Williams is the defensive coordinator of the New Orleans Saints football team. In this morning’s paper, he says, “I don’t look at my job like being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. It’s more like being the warden of a penitentiary. And I say this in a nice way.”

I’m still smiling at that one. And can’t think of a single remark to make about it!

The Associated Press reports that as Congress moves forward in its investigation of Rep. Charles Rangel for ethics violations, he “trots out” his three-way defense.

His 3-way defense. Or maybe we could call it “3-D.”

1) I didn’t do it.

2) I did it but unintentionally.

3) Anything I did was the same thing the other lawmakers have done but without penalty.

Tell me if that doesn’t sound like you and me standing before the Almighty at Judgment. Making excuses. Pointing the finger. Justifying ourselves.

Third quote: “We desire…that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12)

Don’t be a slug. A snail. A sloth. (Choose your favorite lazy animal.) Let’s talk about this. It’s actually quite a problem among God’s people today.

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