I can worship anywhere, and often have. A creekbank, a busy sidewalk, in my car, at the library, anywhere.
I can worship alone or with one or two or with a crowd.
My opinion is that I worship best in a group of God’s people. I sing better and louder, am inspired by the devotion of others, and enjoy hearing God’s preaching more while I’m with the family.
Our Lord Jesus knew we worship better with our brethren than alone. He said, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). God’s word reminds us not to “forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is,” but to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25).
I cannot explain how the Lord is more present when I among a group of believers than otherwise, but there it is. I’ve found that to be the reality.
I love to worship with the Lord’s family.
And that’s the problem.
Those same people in the room who often bless and inspire my worship may end up as a hindrance to my worship.
–Some may be carrying bad attitudes. Sometimes, a few are mad at the preacher. Some married couples are angry with each other and have brought that coldness to church with them. A few husbands were coerced by their wives into coming and their faces are not keeping it a secret.
–Among the rest, not everyone is worshiping. They’ve come for a hundred reasons other than to bow down before the Living God and “give Him the glory due His name.”