“You do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
“Of what use is this?”
What fruit will this bear for the Kingdom of God?
We never know.
It’s the question we should never ask. First, we’ll not get an answer until we get to Heaven. And second, to insist on knowing what God will do with our effort, our gift, our witness, before we act is to remove all faith from it. And without faith, pleasing God is impossible (Hebrews 11:6).
You drop your offering into the plate at church. There it goes. Where it will end up, what it will accomplish, God alone knows. Your church has a budget, you know how the money will be added together and which causes it will fund. But your particular gift, you have no way of telling.
You’re distributing flyers for your church. Some, you know, will end up in the garbage. Some will never be read. But what if one or two become instruments for the Holy Spirit and someone’s life is forever changed? Wouldn’t that be worth all the effort?