It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth (Lamentations 3:27).
Dear Young Pastor:
I hear you’re having a tough time of it.
Good. Glad to hear it.
As I got it, a group in the church doesn’t care for your leadership. They find fault with your sermons. They probably don’t like the color of your tie (or worse, the fact that you don’t wear one).
What makes their opposition dire is that they are the leaders of the church. Not a good thing.
Unity is always better than division.
You came close to resigning, I’m told. You probably felt, “If I don’t have the support of these elected leaders of the church, then I’ll not be able to do anything here.”
You actually wrote out a resignation, perhaps to see what it would feel like.
It felt wrong. You knew you were displeasing the One who sent you there in the first place.
So, you chose to hang in there and try to give leadership to a church that is not sure it wants any.
Welcome to the ministry.
When Holy Scripture says, It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth, that’s Bible talk for something like, “You may as well learn from the git-go what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
I saw this sign in front of a church: “Hang out with Jesus; He hung out for you.”
You have chosen to “hang in there with Jesus.”
In some respects–not in major, literal ways, but somewhat–it feels like a cross where you are suspended.