(For the first two installments on this series of brief, memorable insights, stories, parables, etc, in Scripture which are easily overlooked but jam-packed with meaning. For the earlier installments, go to www.joemckeever.com and scroll back to January, 2015.)
11) The “snake on a pole.” John 3.
In the brief incident told in Numbers 21, the story is presented without one word of explanation or interpretation. It takes all of 6 verses (21:4-9) to describe how the people grumbled against God and Moses, how the Lord sent “fiery serpents” to cause the death of many, and then how the people repented and Moses interceded for them, followed by the fascinating remedy God handed down. Nothing had prepared them for such a panacea for their ills: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole.'”
Then, the snake-bitten should merely look at it and live.
“Look and live.” That’s what He said.