In the absence of a union of Pew-Sitting Sermon-Hearing Church Goers (PSSHCG) to let pastors know how the congregation is receiving their sermons, we are hereby taking it upon ourselves to act on their behalf.
There being no PSSHCG union, sermon listeners usually resort to anonymous letters, hurried conferences in the foyer before and after worship, and murmuring in order to express their opinion of the preaching in their church. Such protests are frowned upon by pastors (with good reason), but with no acceptable way of registering their concern, sermon-listeners often have no other recourse but the anonymous letter, the quick foyer conference, or murmuring.
Until such a time as this group forms their PSSHCG union, we will (ahem) be glad to speak for them.
As the Apostle Paul once said, “I speak as a fool” (II Corinthians 11:21).
For what it’s worth, what follows are the Ten Commandments of Preaching as felt by the men and women in the pews.